
How do I order?

Simply cart out the item in the preferred size and color (where applicable) and then proceed to checkout once you have added the desired items to your cart.

Do I need to have an account to buy?

Not, the account is optional.

But the account  will allow you to check out each time with greater ease as you can save the various mailing addresses that you may want to direct the parcel to.

I have problems putting an item in my cart

You will be able to cart out the item as long as it is available on our site. For items which are reserved in other customers' cart, the status of the item will be reflected as "Temporarily Unavailable".

For items which are no longer in stock, the status reflected will be "Not Available" or "sold out"

if you still love the item and wish to order it, emails our friendly team  at hello@vizcosa.com

How do I pay for my order?

Currently, we  accept payments made via PayPal.

We also receive Visa, master card and Amex using Shopify gateway.

Your information is not retained by Vizcosa, it is all retained by PayPal.

If you want to make a bank transfer emails hello@vizcosa.com

How can I pay for my order using a discount Code or Voucher?

Simply key in the voucher code at the field Discount/Voucher Code and click “Add” to your Shopping Cart page before proceeding on to check out.

Can I amend or cancel an order once is placed?

We are afraid that we do not allow amendments to be made to your order once it has been shipped. I f you made a mistake, email us at returns@vizcosa.com within 2-3 days.


Why can I locate the page to key in my payment details?

Please contact customer care if the PayPal,  link do not work. email hello@vizcosa.com